vegan stuff + food + summer

Terms of Use

This Terms of Use Agreement applies to Vegan (”Vegan Summer”, “the Site” and “this Site”).

Unless otherwise expressly authorized by this Site, Vegan Summer is for personal use.

Accessing and/or using this Site in any manner means acceptance, and adherence to the Terms of Use, the Privacy Policy and any other policies or Notices (collectively, “Site Policies”) of this Site. Other Notices and Agreements are in force in addition to the Site Policies wherever applicable.

Child Safety

This Site does not monitor the age of users. However, no information or data should be submitted, reviewed, used, received or accessed on Vegan Summer by children under 18 years of age without their parent’s or guardian’s consent. Unauthorized users are in violation of this Terms of Use.


Posts, articles, information, news, chat, text, video and/or audio media, and other user accessible data not specifically mentioned, described herein as “Content” or “content” on this Site is provided by, but not limited to the “Resources” listed within this agreement.

In addition, to the previous description and identification, Content also includes, but is not limited to “products”, “advertisements”, “cost”, “pricing”, “goods and/or services”, “descriptions” and or “features” in text, graphics, audio, video or any other available format, context or construct.

This Site provides no warranty for any Content and use of this Site and any Content, variation, deviation, interpretation or recommendation of this Site or the Content is at your own risk.


Resources, also known as providers are responsible for Content viewed, accessed and/or transferred within this Site, its’ affiliates, non-affiliates, data networks and media. Media includes but is not limited audio transmission, video transmission, all radio and telecommunications and any other transmittable form.

Vegan Summer or any affiliated companies and/or website(s) takes no responsibility for Content that is derived, based upon or created with knowledge obtained from Resources. All links, references, documentation and any combination of the former containing, linking or pertaining to Resources are provided for convenience.

Resources include but are not limited to Creative Commons, Amazon, BBC, Reuters, MSNBC, USA Today, Yahoo!, ABC, BestBuy, H&R Block, Target, Nike, Apple, CBS, Nokia, Associated Press, SFGate, Microsoft, CNN, CSPAN, Bloomberg, Google, The New York Times, Motorola, The London Times, The New York Stock Exchange and Associated Content. This list is not complete, changes frequently and without notice.

User Activity and User Contribution

Vegan Summer is in no way responsible for users, actions of users or for content that is generated by users. User Generated Content (known also as “User Contributions” or “User Contribution”) is considered but not limited to any one, any multiple or any combination of the following: photo, image, text, word, music, link, sound, information, data or equation that originates or is received from or by way of a user of this Site.

User Contributions made from or with any device or instrument for any reason with or to Vegan Summer, any site linked to, or away from Vegan Summer is subject to inspection, interception, use, reuse, distribution, modification and interpolation at anytime, for any reason and without notice.

User Activity is considered but not limited to specific and acceptable actions users take to interact, react, manipulate or otherwise communicate with the Site in an authorized manner. Examples of User Activity would be clicking the menu to navigate to specific areas of the Site, or subscribing to an RSS feed.

Partaking in User Activity may generate User Contributions. Vegan Summer maintains full, irrevocable, perpetual rights to all User Contributions and the authority to utilize User Contributions as described previously without any attribution, notification, payment or compensation.

Examples of User Contributions include but are not limited to communication in any manner where that communication is accessible to others, participating in a poll, submitting a news tip, essay, article, computer code, artwork or voting where the result displays a numerical or otherwise identifiable change.

User Activity and User Contribution examples are not exhaustive and for each only present usage concepts.


Pricing is subject to change without notice. This Site provides prices and/or pricing as a courtesy and makes no claim of accuracy or guarantee the duration of any pricing and/or prices mentioned, obtained or accessed on this Site or derived from this Site. All prices and/or pricing is subjective.


No information on this Site is to be considered professional, legal, medical or personal advice. Use of this Site is for entertainment purposes only. Vegan Summer is a private entity and your use and access is granted by permission and can be denied at anytime without warning or notice.

Vegan Summer and/or any affiliated companies or website(s) is not liable, and shall bear no responsibility for any damages resulting from access to the Site, lack of access to the Site, Content, data or information contained within this Site, derived from this Site and/or any affiliated website(s) or companies.

Use of this Site is “AS IS” and without warranty or remedy. This Terms of Use affirms that you agree to hold without fault Vegan Summer, its’ owners and any interested party from any damage or loss that may occur to you and/or any person, man, woman or entity under your jurisdiction, authority, guardianship or control.

Use of this Site establishes you waiving the right to receive any compensation or any reward for damages resulting from a breach of security, financial loss, mental injury, physical injury, property damage, actions taken or resulting from information gained from the Site or denied by the Site or by any other use.

Vegan Summer and/or any affiliated companies or website(s), reserves the right to change Site Policies at any time with or without notice. In any event, publication of Site Policies is notice. In addition, a link on the Site serves as the notice of existence of this Terms of Use as do links or points of reference that are available via search engines and/or other archive methods. It is the users’ responsibility to adhere to Site Policies.